Andrea Bocelli and his equally talented daughter serenade viewers with beautiful duet


Utilizing karaoke and various tools, she is gradually honing her innate singing talent, harboring aspirations to tread the musical path paved by her father.

The video commences with Virginia delivering a beautiful rendition of her brother’s part in the song “Fall On Me.” Originally made famous by her father and older brother, Matteo, the song was penned by the music duo “A Great Big World,” and Bocelli’s duet version is featured on the 2018 album, “Sì.”


Our parents typically serve as our initial teachers. Observing the clips, it’s evident that both Andrea and Veronica are actively involved in nurturing Virginia’s singing abilities. They pay meticulous attention and guide her with profound passion.

They willingly assume the role of their beloved daughter’s personal vocal coaches. After all, the home is where the foundation should be laid before children venture into the broader world.

Now 11 years old, Virginia is actively participating in her father’s performances on prominent stages. It seems safe to predict that she is destined to make a significant name for herself in the musical realm someday.

The online community wholeheartedly embraced their duet. One viewer expressed, “As much as I enjoy Andrea’s singing, sometimes watching him interact with his kids brings me more joy.” Another commenter praised the active involvement of Virginia’s mother, stating, “I love how involved her mother is. Lucky girl to have parents who are so encouraging and loving.” Yet another YouTuber lauded the family, stating, “So much love in this family! This is a success. This is true prosperity.”

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